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AI Server Spending to Hit $430B by 2033, Up From $40B in 2024

According to, AI server spending will spike to $430 billion by 2033 from only $40 billion in 2024.

The site’s financial analyst, Edith Reads, comments:

The rise in AI server spending highlights the budding demand for AI capabilities and the significant shift in how businesses and governments approach data processing and machine learning.

By the end of 2024, AI server spending will increase by over $9 billion from 2023 to $40 billion. Moreover, the server market will likely see more profit rises, with companies expected to spend more than $50 billion in 2025 and close to surpassing $ 70 billion in 2026, with a projected server spending of $67 billion. The full story and statistics can be found here: AI Server Spending to Hit $430B by 2033, Up From $40B in 2024

Press Release by  Stocklytics

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