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SlashNext Launches Virtual Stealth Mode Browser with Advanced URL Analysis and Threat Detection

Emulating the behavior of regular browsers on physical machines, the Project Phantom virtual browser easily detects phishing activity hiding behind CAPTCHAs and other obfuscation techniques commonly employed by threat actors


PLEASANTON, CALIF. – September 5, 2024 – SlashNext, the leader in next-gen AI cloud email and communications security, today announced the launch of Project Phantom, a virtual stealth mode browser utilized by their messaging security platform, designed to see through obfuscation techniques commonly used by threat actors, and deliver enhanced protection against phishing and malware for all customers.

No technology is free of unintended consequences, as the cybersecurity community knows all too well. In recent years, well-intentioned companies offering free services such as CAPTCHA solutions and content delivery networks have inadvertently become tools that aid threat actors. For example, Cloudflare’s Turnstile Services and similar CAPTCHA solutions, which are designed to improve user experience and verify human interactions, are commonly exploited as obfuscation techniques. CAPTCHAs are used to block crawlers employed by security services from accessing and analyzing phishing sites.

“SlashNext is continuously developing new and innovative ways to stop threat actors, and we’re proud to launch Project Phantom to thwart common obfuscation techniques,” said Patrick Harr, CEO, SlashNext. “This virtual stealth browser behaves exactly as a human user, interacting with CAPTCHAs to access phishing and other malicious content hiding behind these barriers for AI analysis. As a result, we’ve observed a 10x increase in our threat detection rate, which was already far superior compared to competitors.”

Cybersecurity professionals are invited to observe the results first-hand of SlashNext’s Project Phantom browser as it secures users’ email and browsers from phishing URLs. The URL scanning tool can also be a powerful analysis tool for security analysts and researchers alike.

Learn more about Project Phantom and try SlashNext’s URL analysis engine API.

About SlashNext

SlashNext’s mission is to protect individuals and organizations worldwide against the dangers of BEC, phishing, ransomware and other cybercrime attacks across all email, mobile, and web messaging channels. The SlashNext Complete™ integrated cloud email, mobile, and web messaging security platform utilizes patented SlashNext AI to detect, predict, and stop real-time messaging threats with extraordinary accuracy. Trusted by global organizations, SlashNext protects millions of mailboxes, endpoints, and APIs. Visit to take advantage of SlashNext’s award-winning Integrated Cloud Messaging Security service to safeguard your organization from BEC phishing and cybercrime today.

Press Release by ICR-Lumina

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